

Name: Draw
Age: 20
Pronouns: Love / It
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Stream Topics: Minecraft, The Ineffable SMP, Fortnite, Art, SCP games & content, The Stanley Parable (More to be added)

Hi! I'm Draw, an 20-year-old Minecraft Streamer! I go by Love / It pronouns. You can find me on the Ineffable SMP!!!
Although Minecraft is my main source of content, I do plan on doing art, music, and streams based on other games in the future!


  • Fanart: Go nuts as long as you comply with the rest of the list

  • NSFW / Sexualization: Just don't send it directly to me or my friends

  • Shipping: As long as the other person / people are okay with it

  • Fanfic: Go ahead!!

  • Reuploads: Ony if it's an edit / a commentary vid / translations AND HAS CREDIT

  • Personal stuff: If I ignore a question after it's been sent multiple times, stop asking it :(


  • Racists / homophobes

  • People here just to start drama

  • People looking to make others uncomfortable

I won't interact with you if you don't interact with me

Check out my Merch Store!